Core Values

  • L - Learning Approach - Student Centred: We will ensure our teachers use student centre approaches where possible.
  • B - Belonging and Believing: We will ensure you feel a sense of belonging and believing throughout your time at Bellmont College.
  • E - Equality and Empowerment: We will ensure you feel a sense of equality and empowerment at Bellmont College.
  • L - Loyalty- Both ways: Institution and Students: We will ensure that loyalty is practiced both ways.
  • M - Measurement of Learning: We will ensure that your learning is measured fairly as you progress through your course.
  • O - Ownership: We will ensure that you develop a sense of ownership and confidence through your progression.
  • N - Nurturing: We will ensure to have processes that will nurture your progression in life.
  • T - Talent, Tenacity and Thinking Creatively: Through our teaching we will enhance your talent and tenacity and also develop your creative thinking. 020 3929 7665 / 020 3840 9294

Mental Health & Wellbeing Useful Resources

The following resources are listed with the intention to support students in maintaining their mental health and wellbeing. These include online platforms, and contact information for further external support services.

Whether you're seeking information, guidance, or immediate help, the following resources are proposed to further support you depending on the challenges you are facing.

  • Beat Eating Disorders UK - a Charity that provides information, advice, and support if you, a family member, friend or student has an eating disorder (
  • BetterHelp (therapy without GP referral) - a service proved to match those with mental health needs to therapists based on their location, preferences and, therapist availability (
  • British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) - Register of Counsellors and Psychotherapists which is accredited by the Department of Health and Social Care
  • Anti-Bullying Alliance: Bullying and mental health guidance: Guidance for teachers and other professionals. Free resource to help Colleges, teachers and other professionals understand the issues around bullying and mental health for children and young people (
  • C.A.L.M - offers mental health offers mental health services and tools for better understanding of mental health and physical wellbeing (
  • Child Bereavement Network UK - provides information and resources to support bereaved students, Colleges, and staff (
  • Cruse Bereavement Support
  • Creating a culture: how College leaders can optimise behaviour - Bennett's (2017) independent review on behaviour in Colleges (leadership, culture, and techniques to improve student behaviour);
  • The Grove - free drug treatment (
  • Dyslexia Aware Counselling (DAC) in North London - DAC has teamed up with charity GroOops to offer help and advice (
  • Early Intervention Foundation guidebook - on trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy (
  • Education Endowment Foundation - The Sutton Trust-EEF Teaching and Learning Toolkit is an accessible summary of educational research which provides guidance for teachers and Colleges on how to use their resources to improve the attainment of all students and especially disadvantaged students (
  • Education Support - The UK charity that provides practical tips and advice for teachers and education staff in schools, colleges, and universities to improve their wellbeing (
  • GroOops Dyslexia Aware Counselling - offers help and advice. The only therapeutic charity in the U.K. that focuses exclusively on the emotional repercussions of Dyslexia (
  • Health A-Z (NHS) - Conditions and treatments by subject, includes information on Mental health (
  • Measuring and monitoring children and young people's mental wellbeing: a toolkit for Colleges and colleges - this toolkit aims to raise awareness amongst College and college staff of the range of validated tools that are available to help measure subjective mental wellbeing amongst the pupil population (
  • Mental Health Services (Haringey) - Haringey's specialist adult mental health and wellbeing services are provided as part of the North London Mental Health Partnership. Support includes community mental health services as well as hospital inpatient services (
  • Mind - a mental health charity in England and Wales which information and advice to people with mental health problems (;
  • MindEd - provides free educational resources on children and young people's mental health for all adults
  • Counselling MindEd - Counselling MindEd is an online resource within MindEd that provides free evidence-based, e-learning to support the training of College and youth counsellors and supervisors working in a wide variety of settings
  • MindEd for Families - advice and information from trusted experts to help improve understanding of mental health problems, and how parents and carers can best support their families
  • National Health Service - NHS Choices directory of therapy and counselling can be accessed by individuals suffering from a major life event. They can contact a psychological health team who can provide such support as cognitive behavioural therapy and counselling
  • Papyrus Prevention of Young Suicide UK - a charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people
  • PSHE Association: Teacher guidance: Preparing to teach about mental health and emotional wellbeing. Apart from providing useful and comprehensive guidance for teaching about mental health and emotional wellbeing, it includes information on organisations that can provide support for specific mental health conditions
  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) - NICE's role is to improve outcomes for people using the NHS and other public health and social care services. Its guidelines are evidence-based recommendations for good health and improvement in the quality of care and services
  • National Bereavement Alliance (NBA) - The Alliance brings together national, regional and local bereavement care providers and membership organisations supporting bereaved people, to provide a collective voice representing the needs of bereaved people and those supporting them (
  • Promoting children and young people's emotional health and wellbeing: A whole school or college approach - Public Health England's useful guidance on the eight principles for promoting emotional health and wellbeing in schools and colleges headteachers, college principals and their senior leadership teams, school, and college governing bodies (
  • Refuge - is the largest specialist abuse organisation in the UK. Its services support survivors, helping them to overcome the physical, emotional, financial and logistical impacts of abuse, free from fear (
  • Relate - a national charity that offers relationship counselling, sex therapy, training, and education. They have a network of centres across the UK, and also offer counselling by telephone, email, and live chat (
  • Royal College of Nursing (RCN) - RCN document Counselling for staff in health service settings: A guide for employers and managers, is a useful document outlining ways to support individuals facing a stressful situation (
  • Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPSYCH) - Provides specific information about mental illnesses and mental problems for young people, parents, teachers and carers (
  • The Samaritans - An organisation that provides confidential emotional support and listening to people who are in distress or despair (
  • Solace - Haringey Floating Support Service provides free and confidential advice, support and advocacy to women and girls over the age of 16 affected by domestic and sexual violence, of standard to medium risk. They offer short to medium term support; email:
  • Trauma Informed Colleges UK - provides training for Colleges, communities and organisations to become trauma informed and mentally healthy places for all
  • Schools and Colleges Resources - The Anna Freud Organisation provides 5 steps to mental health and wellbeing is a free, evidence-based framework to help develop a holistic, who whole-school or whole college approach to mental health (
  • Student Minds - a UK student mental health charity (
  • Supporting mental health in Colleges and colleges: pen portraits of provision - this report presents pen portraits of mental health provision based on case study research in 36 Colleges, colleges and other educational institutions across England
  • Supporting staff wellbeing in - Colleges - aims to give College staff and senior leadership teams simple guidance and good practical examples where Colleges have successfully implemented staff wellbeing strategies
  • Colleges in Mind - a free network for College staff and allied professionals which shares practical, academic and clinical expertise concerning the wellbeing and mental health issues and that affect Colleges
  • UMHAN University Mental Health Advisers Network - Information for students about the support available for mental health conditions. (
  • Women's Aid - a national domestic violence charity that works to end violence against women and children, and support domestic and sexual violence services across the country (
  • Worklife Support - part of a national charity group, the Teacher Support Network. It provides counselling by qualified and specialist telephone support for coping with stressful life events from bereavement to infertility and support programmes to employees in over 700 schools and charities across the UK. A confidential 24-hour service with access to expert advice, guidance and emotional support, including face-to-face counselling (
  • Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) - SDQ has five sections that cover details of emotional difficulties, conduct problems, hyperactivity or inattention, friendships and peer groups and Pro Social behaviour. It is an overview way of making an assessment on whether or not a student is experiencing a mental health problem (
  • Youth Wellbeing Directory - provides a list of local and national organisations for anyone up to the age of 25 (including teachers helping students to find support), along with additional essential information and support (
  • Supporting public health: children, young people and families - documents to support local authorities and providers in commissioning and delivering children's public health services aged 0 to 19 years (
  • Triple P - provides parents simple and practical strategies to help them build strong, healthy relationships, confidently manage their children's behaviour and prevent problems developing
