Core Values

  • L - Learning Approach - Student Centred: We will ensure our teachers use student centre approaches where possible.
  • B - Belonging and Believing: We will ensure you feel a sense of belonging and believing throughout your time at Bellmont College.
  • E - Equality and Empowerment: We will ensure you feel a sense of equality and empowerment at Bellmont College.
  • L - Loyalty- Both ways: Institution and Students: We will ensure that loyalty is practiced both ways.
  • M - Measurement of Learning: We will ensure that your learning is measured fairly as you progress through your course.
  • O - Ownership: We will ensure that you develop a sense of ownership and confidence through your progression.
  • N - Nurturing: We will ensure to have processes that will nurture your progression in life.
  • T - Talent, Tenacity and Thinking Creatively: Through our teaching we will enhance your talent and tenacity and also develop your creative thinking. 020 3929 7665 / 020 3840 9294

Bellmont College Overview of Support on Mental Health & Wellbeing

At Bellmont College, we understand that adjusting to a new environment while balancing studies, family responsibilities, and finances can be exciting but also challenging. These pressures can sometimes feel overwhelming and may impact your mental health and overall wellbeing.

At Bellmont College, we are here to support your health and wellbeing throughout your studies. We take seriously our duty of care to you, our students and our staff. We understand that wellbeing means something different to everyone, and therefore, responsibilities at Bellmont College are divided into two main areas being; Academic Support and Pastoral Support.

If you feel you are struggling or need help, or you notice a class colleague, friend or even a member of staff struggling, you can call us on 02039297665/ 07519971718, from Monday- Sunday between 9:00 AM-5:00 PM or email us on: We offer a range of support services to meet your needs and you can also find helpful resources on our website:

