Core Values

  • L - Learning Approach - Student Centred: We will ensure our teachers use student centre approaches where possible.
  • B - Belonging and Believing: We will ensure you feel a sense of belonging and believing throughout your time at Bellmont College.
  • E - Equality and Empowerment: We will ensure you feel a sense of equality and empowerment at Bellmont College.
  • L - Loyalty- Both ways: Institution and Students: We will ensure that loyalty is practiced both ways.
  • M - Measurement of Learning: We will ensure that your learning is measured fairly as you progress through your course.
  • O - Ownership: We will ensure that you develop a sense of ownership and confidence through your progression.
  • N - Nurturing: We will ensure to have processes that will nurture your progression in life.
  • T - Talent, Tenacity and Thinking Creatively: Through our teaching we will enhance your talent and tenacity and also develop your creative thinking. 020 3929 7665 / 020 3840 9294


1st floor, 9 Lymington Avenue,
Wood Green N22 6HE


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