Core Values

  • L - Learning Approach - Student Centred: We will ensure our teachers use student centre approaches where possible.
  • B - Belonging and Believing: We will ensure you feel a sense of belonging and believing throughout your time at Bellmont College.
  • E - Equality and Empowerment: We will ensure you feel a sense of equality and empowerment at Bellmont College.
  • L - Loyalty- Both ways: Institution and Students: We will ensure that loyalty is practiced both ways.
  • M - Measurement of Learning: We will ensure that your learning is measured fairly as you progress through your course.
  • O - Ownership: We will ensure that you develop a sense of ownership and confidence through your progression.
  • N - Nurturing: We will ensure to have processes that will nurture your progression in life.
  • T - Talent, Tenacity and Thinking Creatively: Through our teaching we will enhance your talent and tenacity and also develop your creative thinking. 020 3929 7665 / 020 3840 9294

Mental Health & Wellbeing -External Support Services

In addition to our internal support systems, the following external organisations are being provided to all of you as additional resources, for mental health and wellbeing. These services include 24/7 crisis helplines, specialised therapy options, and community-based programs to ensure comprehensive care beyond campus.

Furthermore, we also aim to connect students with experts and services tailored to their unique needs, ensuring support is always within reach, no matter the circumstance. Contact Bellmont College for further support and guidance.

Emergency Services In an emergency when someone is at immediate risk to themselves or from someone else or to someone else, call 999 or visit A&E
NHS direct NHS - call 111 to get advice or ask for an urgent General Practitioner appointment.
To get help online: services/mental health services - counselling for student mental health problems
Accident & Emergency Whittington Hospital - 18 Magdala Ave, London N19 5NF
Telephone: 020 7272 3070
North Middlesex University Hospital, Sterling Way, London N18 1QX
Telephone: 020 8887 2000
A&E open 24 hours
Anna Freud Anna Freud Centre, 4-8 Rodney Street, London N1 9JH
Mental health charity that offers help regarding suicidal thoughts, abuse or assault, self-harm, bullying and relationship issues
Telephone: 020 779 2313
Crisis messenger
Text: AFC 85258
CALM Campaign Against Living Miserably - a suicide prevention charity against suicide
Telephone: 0800 58 58 58
Drug addiction The Grove (NHS) - a free confidential drug treatment
276 High Rd, London N22 8JT
Telephone: 020 8702 6220
Telephone: 247 0800 068 41 41.
Text: 88247
Open: 24 hours, 7 days a week (including weekends and Bank Holidays)
Refuge The largest specialist abuse organisation in the UK. It supports survivors, to overcome the physical, emotional, financial, and logistical impacts of abuse.
Telephone:0808 2000 247
Open 24 hours
Relate Relate(Haringey) Manor House on Lothair Road (North), N4 1ER.
Telephone: 01708 441722 (counselling)
Samaritans Free confidential emotional support and listening for people who are experiencing distress or despair
North London Samaritans - Haringey, Barnet, Enfield
Contact: 116 123
Email: jo@sa, for a reply within 24 hours.
Telephone: 0330 094 5717
Open 24 hours
Saneline Helpline for those coping with mental health problems, regardless of if they are carers, friends, family members
Telephone: 0300 304 7000
Open 24 hours
Self-injury support Help and support provided for women and girls affected by self-injury, trauma and abuse
Telephone: 0808 800 8088
Text: 07537 432 444
Shout Free, confidential support, 24/7,
Text: SHOUT to 85258
Open 24 hours
Solace Haringey Floating Support Service
Free, confidential advice, support and advocacy to women and girls over the age of 16 affected by domestic and sexual violence, of standard to medium risk
Telephone: 020 8885 3557
Mind Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.
Telephone: 0300 123 3393
Mind in Haringey: 73C Stapleton Hall Road, Haringey
Telephone: 020 8340 2474
North London - Palmers Green
Telephone: 020 8886 3631
Medical Centre Westbury Medical Centre (NHS), 205 Westbury Avenue, N22 6RX
Telephone: 020 8888 3021
Mental Health UK Support and services for some of the biggest societal challenges that pose a threat to people's mental health, including money problems, navigating through the system to get the right support, understanding mental health, loneliness and isolation, and resilience in young people.
Student Minds Mental Health Charity
Telephone: 0113 343 8440
Young Minds Crisis Messenger text service
Provides nationwide free crisis support
Text: YM to 85258
UMHAN University Mental Health Advisers Network Mental Health information for students about the support available for mental health conditions.
